(日本語) インド洋津波犠牲者十五周年法要慰霊祭を終えて
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毎年継続してきた慰霊祭ですが、十五周年を迎えご遺族の高齢化等の諸事情により本年度をもって、慰霊祭最終となります。 ご参加ご希望の方は下記メールよりお知らせください 追ってご招待状をご送付させていただきます。 contact@plaja.org 日時 令和元年11月五日 世界津波の日 火曜日 式典会場:サンプライム・カマラビーチホテルプーケット (1) インド洋津波犠牲者法要慰霊祭 16:00式典開始 17:30式典修了 (2) 法要夕食会並びに世界津波の日チャリティーパーティー 18:00開始 23:00散会 皆様のご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げます
5th November 2017 – Nonprofit Organization PLAJA (NPO PLAJA), We Plaja held memorial service for Indian Ocean tsunami victims and Wold Tsunami Awareness Day. on the day of the world tsunami established in the United Nations in 2015, a memorial […]
18th Sep 2017, Published on “bridge between Ishinomaki and Phuket ” at Yomiuri News. The two countries that experienced the TSUNAMI disaster will become one. Ms.Asano(Nico Nico General Foundation corporation) has project to From Ishinomaki and Phuket planning good relation. Kindergarten […]
We have Upload movie about Memorial service 2016 at YouTube. Movie List Here>>
On 5/Nov/2016 Our TSUNAMI event was broadcast on NHK. This is broadcast to TV in Japan.Non 記事・動画はこちら>>
On 5th November 2016, Phuket Thailand – Non Profit Organization PLAJA held the Memorial service for Indian Ocean Tsunami victims and held the charity dinner party as well for the affected areas caused by the earthquake / tsunami in various […]
On 20th April 2016, Bangkok Thailand – Non-Profit organization PLAJA visited to FUJIFILM Holdings CEO Mr. Shigetaka Komori. Mr. Ohno Vice president and Mr. Todaka PR from PLAJA exchanged opinions with Mr. Komori regarding the future of the world economy […]
On 30th March 2016, – Tokyo, Japan – Nonprofit Corporation Plaja Mr Hiromichi Kanke Chairman visited the International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We exchanged opinions to consider the proposal to hold a memorial service at Phuket on the […]
On 22nd March 2016, – Tokyo, Japan – Nonprofit Corporation Plaja Mr Hiromichi Kanke Chairman visited the Cabinet office with Mr Jitetsu Nara from The Japan Buddhist Federation and 2 others to take exchange opinions for the World Tsunami Day. […]